Charmagne Vasquez

  • Artlink Articipant


Charmagne Vasquez is an American artist of abstract and modern surreal works. She creates paintings and drawings in traditional and found mixed media. Her artistic journey has included eras of painting in watercolor, papier-mâché sculpture, pen and ink drawings, and fiber art. Her creative process organically evolved to explore more physical dimensionality of the media, and the re-purposing of materials at hand wherever she is. She is currently focused on painterly and assemblage work. They convey responses to everyday events - a pandemic, relational shifts, political tides, etc. While continuing to work intuitively, her newest work is less fantastical, and more earth-bound. She praises the forces of cross pollination: ideas and projects can relate and shift organically. This fits with her long-held respect for surrealistic automatism (allowing the unconscious mind to freely express) in a contemporary, feminist sense, while also blending in her curiosity of nature, science and social evolution.


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